Ваш партнер за аутоматизацију и енергетску ефикасност

Френквентни претварачи

Veda-in RD05

Средњенапонски френквентни претварачи

Veda-in RD05

Френквентни претварачи

VEDA-in RD11

Меки покретачи

Veda-in SFT

За основне апликације у аутоматизацији

Поуздан и функционална

За било који задатак аутоматизација

Ниска цена, висока поузданост

Ми смо компанија VEDA-IN DRIVES. Нови смо као самостални играч, али наш тим има дугогодишње искуство, достижући водеће позиције на источним тржиштима.
Имамо амбиције да преузмемо свој удео на тржишту као поуздан добављач енергетске електронике и пратећих производа под сопственим брендом.

Опције за фреквентне претвараче

Veda-in RD

Френквентни претварачи

Veda-in RD

Меки покретачи

Veda-in SFT

Средњенапонски меки покретачи

Veda-in MVS

Опције напајања за фреквентне претвараче

Veda-in RD

Средњонапонски фреквентни претварачи

Veda-in MVD


We hereby confirm that our company’s specialists highly appreciated the quality of VEDA-in DRIVES frequency inverters and soft-starters. Fast delivery times and a commitment to solving problems quickly allow efficient and timely maintenance. We appreciate the reliability and durability of these products as well as distinctive European approach to business, focused on customer satisfaction. Competitive prices allow us to offer cost-effective solutions.

Siarhei Los
Director, EEC engineering

погледајте рецензију

Our partnership with VEDA-in DRIVES has significantly fortified our presence in the market. Clients value the reliability and functionality of these products. The competitive pricing underscores our commitment to delivering premium-quality industrial solutions. Swift delivery times, quick issue resolution, and the flexibility demonstrated by their development department ensure our product portfolio remains dynamic and adaptable.

Kakha Ramishvili
Director, TSComp

погледајте рецензију

Distributing VEDA-in DRIVES’ products has proven to be a rewarding experience. VEDA-in DRIVES fast delivery timelines, prompt issue resolution, and the flexibility ensure our offerings are reliable, well-tailored, and at the forefront of technological advancements, allowing us to meet the dynamic needs of our customers. Their experience in industry is palpable in the robust quality of their frequency converters and soft starters.

Damirov Akif

погледајте рецензију

VEDA-in DRIVES has emerged as a valuable partner for our automatization business. The unique European business approach, prioritizing customer-centricity, resonates well with our clients. The longevity and functionality of VEDA-in DRIVES’ frequency converters, coupled with competitive pricing, provide us with a distinct advantage in the market. Additionally, our collaboration emphasizes our commitment to delivering comprehensive industrial solutions.

Karataev D.R.
Managing director, Turboair

погледајте рецензију

Our collaboration with VEDA-in DRIVES stands out in the automatization market. Clients appreciate the unique Partner business approach, emphasizing strong customer relationships. Offering top-quality products at a more affordable price than European counterparts not only gives us a competitive edge but also establishes us as a provider of cost-effective, high-performance solutions.

Oleg Froimchuck
General Director, AS AVTOMATIKA

погледајте рецензију

Обука се изводи на бази званичних центара за обуку техничког одељења ВЕДА-ин ДРИВЕС

јан 25

Nova funkcija: „Požarni režim“ mekog pokretača serije SFT50 kompanije VEDA-IN DRIVES

феб 24

Ажурирање софтвера за ВЕДА-ин програмабилне логичке контролере

у свијету

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